So I'm now living in Nashville and have been since the Summer of 2002, when I moved to start my Master's...and Thank the Good Lord that's done. I'm all for a bit of academic hoop-jumping, but people please...luckily I graduated in 2005!
Anyways, while in the last year of my master's, I met my wonderful husband and we got married July 22nd, 2006. I promise to post some pics soon (my wonderful MIL just scanned out entire collection of pics onto discs so now I just have to sort them.) Here's a couple of pics from the Honeymoon though...until I can get some of the wedding ones up! We spent two weeks in Hawaii--on Oahu and Big Island in Kona...and had a wonderful time!
This is the view from our 3rd floor balcony on Oahu the first week in Hawaii. I miss that place!!
Here's one of Alan just chillin' on the balcony after a long day of playing tourist! Isn't he cute?
This one was taken at the Luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center on Oahu. We had a blast...but Alan doesn't like this picture!!
And of course, here's a pic of me trying to learn how to surf. I got really badly sunburned after that lesson and Alan had to take care of me!!
Here's a few from our Waterfall tour while on Big Island. It was lots of fun...although some days it was really windy!!!
These are of Alan and me standing behind a 500ft. waterfall in North Kohala on the Big was absolutely beautiful...and we got soaked!!
We did get to see some volcanoes, but I can't seem to get those pics loaded...I'll try to add them another time!
I'm teaching at Belmont University again this semester (where I got my master's) as an adjunct instructor of celtic fiddle. I have a few classical students too, and I've discovered that I really like teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels! I also maintain a number of students outside of Belmont and I play with a couple of different bands--mostly celtic. (More on those in another post!) I think it's about time I sign off of here...I ended up staying up way too late last night figuring this thing out--I need to get some sleep tonight! Enjoy!!