Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rest In Peace.....

David Carl Haller
March 1, 1938 - December 11, 2007

My dad, David Carl Haller, passed away on Tuesday, December 11th, 2007. I flew home as soon as possible to help my mom take care of all the arrangements and now I'm finally able to settle down and write this.

It's been an draining and truly exhausting week, and I'm so tired that I feel like I could sleep for a week. My husband has truly been a rock for me to lean on and so supportive and helpful....

Now the hard part happens when all the family goes home and it's just me and mom for the Holidays and we have so much work to do!

Anyways, so that's what's going on in my world. And it's really hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year....And the worst part is, this is usually my favorite time of the year.


1 comment:

Kier said...

Oh my god, Kim, I had no idea this happened and I am so very sorry for the loss of your Dad. You're in my thoughts and heart...
