Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Work, among other things....

So I guess I lied a little bit about updating as quickly as I thought I could--work got in the way!

Anyways, I had a FABULOUS time at Agatha's mystery dinner theater! It was a bit pricey, but well worth it!

The play we saw was called "Harry Plotter and the Half-Wit Princess" let's just say it was more of a comedy with a murder thrown in than anything else. Everyone had a part to play, which was cool, cuz I got to be Peter Panic!! Ok, so when we first walked in, they asked us which of us was the more outgoing, and (cough), after my hubby pointed to me, I was given this pretty cool part. And the part my husband received, well it was with about 50 other people...let's just call it the "chorus" part.

At any rate, it's definitely something we would do again for special occasions!

So that's about it for that. As for everything else, we're into week 4 in a 10 week term at the Art Institute and I'm not looking forward to making up those midterms and then grading them all! I've got to get everything set up for the sub (my hubby) to cover the classes while I'm out of town....I've got a relatively fun "event" coming up, but I will say no more, for fear of ruining a great surprise! I promise to blog about it once it's over with in a few weeks.

On another note...I have just realized some disappointing news. I really really wanted to go to my 10 year high school reunion this summer on Labor Day weekend (I know, I're laughing at me) but, well, it turns out it's the same weekend as a film festival that my husband has gotten his recent short film entered into. I know I need to be there for family loyalty and all that. Plus, I can't exactly afford to come back to Buffalo for Labor Day weekend, (partly because of this upcoming "event") and I'm very sad about it. Stupid huh? I guess there's always the 20 year right?

1 comment:

Megan Haven said...

Hey Kim -- Bummer that you can't make it for the reunion. Glad to be keeping in touch with you this way until the 20th!