Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I'm a bad blogger...bad me...

I'm a terrible blog host...I just am. I haven't updated since last week and there are sooooo many things that have been going on! Here's just a few...

*At Belmont this past weekend, we hosted String Crossings Honor Orchestra, in which 52 high school students from all over the Southeastern region of the country came to Belmont and during one day of rehearsals and the concert, put together four (yes that's 4) pieces of music to perform..with soloists. It was awesome! These kids worked really hard and the day was a fantastic success! Now it's time to start planning for the weeklong summer camp, String Crossings....

*I went to a wonderful Irish session at a pub Sunday afternoon and met some really cool new people. It's the first time I've been to a really advanced session here in town, and man, I hope they stick around for awhile!

hmmm...I know there's more, but I can't seem to think right now...I think my brain is trying to tell me it's bedtime! I'll post more later! (although I said that last time...but I promise to try!)


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